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We said CRONUT, not corona!!!

Cronut  – a croissant-doughnut pastry originating in New York City. The pastry is made by frying a laminated dough in grape seed oil. The fried pastry is then sugared, f...

Proudly home made

For those of you who we see regularly this wouldn’t have come as a surprise. Home made is something we’re passionate about and truly believe in (we make our own salad d...

Mini muffins for a massive day

For a while now we’ve been thinking of something BIG…well small but we were confident that it could be  really really BIG !!! A combination of freshly baked home ...

Over $2500 donated to charity in 2013

This is one area of the business that we’re most proud of and together with the help of our wonderful customers its paying dividends!!!!!! We raised on average over $200 per mont...